Symptoms of a cold or flu and what to do. (1st Gen)

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Last Updated : 06 April 2024

This page is a look at the symptoms of a cold.  For legal reasons I have not borrowed stuff from medical journals - so this entry is based on my own experience with a cold or flu.

So how can you tell you've got a cold of flu and what to do ?

Pretty easy really: if you have hung around sick people and you suddenly feel tired and lose your zest for life - lets face it you're getting sick.  A sore throat that gets more painfully is usually the next symptom.  That's the difference between depression and a cold or flu.  Mind you it's all pretty depressing when you're sick.

So you've taken your multi-vitamins and other minerals and still feel that something's missing then it's time to visit the shops for some tissues (extra soft), anti-decongestant and  paracetamol aka pain-killers.  Remember don't skimp on the quality and quantity because you will only regret it later.

By this time you'll either notice your nose will start dripping and/or sinuses may start causing headaches.  However this may not always happen as it depends on the severity of the virus you've got.  You've probably lost your sense of smell and taste in the process by now.

By the third day if you're still walking around and decide to go to work I only encourage you if you have bosses who don't believe that people actually get sick! (Yes, I've had one of those before what a loser)  Nothing better than sharing the germs and experience about, make sure you see the boss in an enclosed room.  Try to do work at your usual level of productivity.  If you genuinely can't, you are sick and you're just in denial.  If you've been using cold and flu drugs to help you through the day you're still sick and you are still in denial.  So do the right thing save your friends and workmates stay home.

Overnight you'll probably start noticing a raised heart beat and temperature.  (Oh! - you're single?)  This is quite normal OK !  You also may or may not have a headache of some sort.  Those extra soft tissues and pills seem like such a good buy don't they ! (you didn't get them?... then add tender red nose to your list of symptoms)  If you managed to not wake up sweating at some ungodly hour not because some loser is trying to break into your house/unit etc... but because you're in pain those anti-pain pills look even more appealing.

Seeing your local Medical Practitioner is advised if you need to.  But they will only say to rest and drink lots of non-alcoholic fluids because there is no cure for this virus.

If your cold or flu is mild you should be recovering by the morning if not its probably a stronger type virus and it's here to stay for a few more days.

If feeling better and you decide to go to work today feel free to do so only to spread the germs to your enemies but I would recommend you stay home. 

If you are not feeling better you should be pretty sick by now... you have a strong virus.  Besides this is what you sick days are for.  I hope you still have them ?  (This is a pop culture reference to the the former PM John Howard's Australian Wage Agreement contract where if you want to keep a job but can't because you refuse to foolishly or involuntarily had to trade your sick days in for a meagre salary increase.  This of course is yet to be replaced under the new government.)

By now either you are on the road to recovery or the virus is here stay for a few more days.  For the sick, your tastes buds have now long died and you should be blowing green snot.  The darker green and concentrated the worse your virus.  Don't worry too much if its chunky and green - really.  (That's what happens to all the liquid you've been drinking ! - I figure if its alcoholic it just evaporates ?)

You should also be getting noticeable hot a cold flushes by now.  (No it's not those magazines under the bed you read for the articles ... you DON'T have any of THOSE magazines ? Oh well. Note: this comment is not gender specific - cool huh?) This will continue for another few more days if severe.

Finally after a total of 5-7 days of torture all should be getting better. Coughing and leaking nose will continue but at decreasing levels. 

By day 10 you'll start feeling as good as new, well as you where before anyway...

(Oh! if anything good came out of it you've lost a bit of weight or your 'don't believe in sickness' boss is sick) 

Update: 29/11/2006 - I've actually got a good idea.  During my last bout of poor health - I was given an unwanted Nintendo Gameboy SP by a relative as they had  upgraded to the DS.  Well I'll be - I didn't realise how addictive it can be.  In the slot was the infamous Pokemon Game.  Dear oh dear I was hooked  - And I thought mobile phone games where cool what's happening to me?  I'm no where near their target market Ie old fart.  I then went and created a website for 'older folk' and got myself a DS - modern tech is changing really fast! 

Update: 3/05/2009 - This does not cover Swine Flu or Bird Flu in which case if you have any concerns you should see a Doctor immediately.




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