MotoRacer3 Game Review (PC) |
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06 April 2024 Introduction This review was inspired again by the lack of any motorcycle games reviews done by riders on the net. The game is for PC (Windows). The game actually came from a cereal box. I kid you not, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it, as it's not the usual sort of computer game I tend play. However I think you can still buy off the shelf at various stores. Anyway, thanks to Nutri-grain I have one of the Extreme games set that they where giving away with the cereal. The premise is like any car racing game except that that your controlling a bike. There are 5 different types of games within the game. Speed - Racing on a track SX/MX - Supercross/Motocross Trail - Indoor obstacle course Freestyle - Acrobatics and jumps Traffic - Road racing The Bikes There is only a choice of 125-250cc for non-road races whilst a choice of 250cc to 500cc bikes for the road/track only courses. I assume they are 2 stroke because they seem to move like that. Colour choices are plenty enough although nothing that says 'me'. You get a choice of helmets too ! As you progress through the game you get more choices, but they don't seem to differ very much. The physics of the bike are actually pretty good. They have to be controlled in a similar fashion to real bikes albeit 2 strokes. (I think) Game Environment The graphics in the games are excellent. The scenery is very well designed. although like all games the bystanders look like card-board cut outs. ALL the bikes are rendered nicely and move very well indeed. Suspension up and down, wheels spinning, cornering, lights and even fumes coming form the exhaust. I even enjoyed the 'coming off' the bike sequences, which I did many times for sheer enjoyment. Overall very profession production. Bike controls are also pretty realistic, although I feel the bikes lean over way to quickly. I guess real GP bikes do the same thing ! There are multi-player modes for LAN and Internet Gamers - cool ! A disappointing aspect of the the production is the in-game music. Yuck! I never understood why 'extreme' sports have annoying 'extreme' music. Trash metal, hard rock whatever it is it not inspirational. Luckily the music is stored a separate MP2 files, so you can get convert your own mp3s into mp2s and have your own selection of music. Sound effects are fine though. The other disappointment is the limited number of tracks and bikes available that you can ride on. You also have to earn point before you can use other tracks or bikes, a standard 'feature' of all the racing type games and one which I don't particularly like as it reduces the fun factor. Once you've finished a race you get to see the replay at different camera angles. I must admit that this is a pretty cool feature and it actually felt like I was watching a real race, cheering myself on (someone has too), crashes and all ! Hardware The required hardware is reasonably high. On a Win ME Celeron 400 8 meg graphics it worked but was quite laggy and not playable. On a Win 98SE Pentium 3 500 8 Meg graphics the game worked OK but wasn't stable hence not playable. On a Win Me Athlon 1800+ 64 Meg graphics the worked perfectly. So that's where it stays. Conclusion So the ultimate question is that if this was not part of a cereal packet, would I fork out my cash for it ? Yes, if it where my style of game. However its not. It'll make a great present to those unable to ride the real thing though or curious and those into these sort of games. What would probably convert me to this style of game would be one where you could actually ride real world bikes. Like the Gran Tourismo series (Playstation 2) but with bikes. Imagine a game where you could ride a Hayabusa against a ZX-12 and Harley with a Goldwing, a 500cc racer and a jet drag bike on the same track. (Patent Pending) Anyway, overall a great production technically professional and entertaining. Fun rating : 7/10
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